Friday, February 7, 2014



- Yogalates is one of the most effective workouts that you can do to accomplish a mental cleansing and body sculpting at the same time. Just the other day after a few down face dogs, warriors poses, corkscrews and so on it was then time to meditate. My legs were crossed. The instructor asked me to feel my inhalation as it entered my body and the exhale as it left my body. Relax your body. Relax your mind. Breeeeath into it. She over pronounced it like that. Next thing I know I'm zoned out. Numb to any nonsense that may be buried deep down inside. All worries, self doubt, pain, affliction or trauma stored throughout life seems to dissapear. All with these simple and controlled breaths. My spine is centered. My aches gone. I was MEDITATING. In that moment when I realized that my mind was CLEAR out of no where, uncontrollably and with the greatest feeling of PEACE I CRIED. I cried somemore. I had that HARD cry that tightens your core and is silent at the same time. Most people would call it a GOOD cry. Yet everytime my abdomen tightened it felt so good. Tears and all. Once the tranquil music stopped and the instructor stopped instructing my deep level of peaceful concentration stopped and I exhaled deeply and let out a sigh backed up with a relieving laugh. :)

I realized in that meditative state like I never had before how free I was. How beautiful the silence of my mind actually was. How essential meditation was now going to be in my life. The relaxation and self awareness was unimaginable. I was not into meditating and used to quit during that moment in the yogalates workout for no direct reason. I'm so glad I took a moment to really give it a try and never could I have imagined the renewal it could give me. The passion to start over. Rethink my channels of thought. The silence helped me to better understand how to self talk myself out of the things that served me no true purpose from being embedding into my mind. I deserved this peace I thought. A big part of life is mind control. The mind is one of our strongest assets given by our maker. Yet it is so strong it can make you weak if you overload it with a bunch of junk that is not good for you. You always control it. I realized on that day how meditation is a catalyst that helps lead the mind away from any harm. I realized meditation was real. I just had to share my experience because it was a life changing moment for me.

Meditation is a BEAUTIFUL thing ya'll! So if you haven't yet, try it! It couldn't hurt!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Things couples do to stay happy :)

You know sometimes people see a happy couple and instead of trying to figure out their secrets to happiness you get annoyed by all the lovey dovey going on. I've learned some things about being and staying happy.  It's all in the mind, perception and wanting to put in the effort. I've been in the same relationship for years. Furthermore, I've also been on both sides of this. So here's some things that work for me.

Courtesy of -Nina

"Have a designated movie night."

~The time to cuddle is constant. Watching a good movie enhances your common interest and you can share a few good laughs or watery eyes. Lol

"Make date nights a necessary priority."

~It doesn't always have to be big. The little things count too.

"Try new things together."

~Mix it up. Make dating your partner like an adventure and always keep the vibe positive. Try not to talk about negative things while enjoying your time. Remember It's all about having fun together. Making memories.

"Take an interest in their interest."

~You may not know everything about what your partner is really into but take some time to learn more about it and ask questions. They will appreciate your efforts. You want to spark it up. There's nothing more satisfying than knowing your partner takes genuine interest in what you do.

"Keep your business between the two of you."

~What happens between the two of you should stay between the two of you. One of the biggest mistakes couples make is divulging private things to people outside their relationship. No one can handle your problems or fix them better than the two of you. Plus it not only strengthens your bond when you overcome obstacles together but it keeps unnecessary drama from entering into your bond.

"Be spontaneous."

~So what you didn't plan it. It's exciting and fun not to know sometimes. Do it anyway. Go along anyway. If there will be more joy and no regrets then go for it. Be tasteful.

"Say I love you often and mean it. Most importantly show it."

~A long term relationship can sometimes become stagnant and the meaning behind the words may not match the effort. So always do what's necessary to show your partner that you need them in your life and adore them. Some people may shy away from the word need. However, I believe if you truly love eachother you can't bare the thought of losing eachother. That to me is a need. A mutual one.

"Don't keep secrets."

~This one is quite simple. It's a violation of trust. Also if the truth comes out it may be the end for some forever. So be open. You should trust eachother enough to confide on anything. Even if it's slightly uncomfortable. If It's bothering you then say something.

"Share eachother and don't be stingy."

~ Being affectionate and showing physical admiration and intimacy is sacred. In addition, it shouldn't be pressured or scheduled. That is boring and takes all of the fun out of it. Allow your partner to be natural about things and you do the same. You two should be like canvases to eachother. I can't tell another person how to be passionate. If the chemistry and passion is truly there then you'll know what I'm talking about. Just like a good piece of artwork, what would you do to make it perfect?

"Keep up with eachother throughout the day."

~ It's easy to get caught up in the 9 to 5 and lost in gossip and things with other coworkers. Make it a habit to reach out to your partner and see how they are doing at some point of your day. If either of you has had a bad day then support eachother.

"Have like minds, share common goals and don't be afraid to say I'm sorry and mean it."

~ We all should know that pride can kill a good relationship. It's not about having the last word, being right or wrong. It's about a solution and possible yet respectful compromise. Simply knowing It's not that bad and you are not alone. Say to eachother," We can do this." Be selfless enough to do what's best for the both of us type of thing.

"Have a budget and live up to it."

~It's a sticky subject. However, financial strains also put a strain on the relationship. So keep it tight.

"Accentuate the positives."

~It's easy to nitpick and criticize and find negative things in eachother. No one is perfect though. So It's just as easy to focus on what they do that's right and to praise them for it. It made you happy didn't it? Reciprocity is key here.

Quite frankly I could go on and on about all of the things I've learned. This is just a start to an infinite list of things. I could write a book on it after being in a long term relationship as long as I have. You really should live, laugh and love together. You only get one life. Do it the best way you know how. Change things if you know deep down that you need to. Grow you know. Everyone changes at some point of every relationship so grow together. Afterall, if you don't like where you are you can always move. You are not a tree.  Stagnation like many other things is a choice.

Thursday, January 23, 2014

They make it rattle alright.

I'd just like to say on New Years Eve I was very impressed by this band. Not only can you go and take a listen but they also have classes you can take each with a different focus on different types of the same music. They all tend to cater to a certain group. Meaning you are sure to find one of interest to you. Okay at this point I'm giving the band free promotion. However, I think that music like this is essential to learning and will continue to boost a heavier trend for more music like it, especially in the capitol city. My love for where I live. That's all. Check them out. Fun couples thing. Cute friend thing or a family thing. I loved it.
Go to:

Monday, June 10, 2013

A positive self image...

Speaking of confidence, I visited my local walmart. Lol. Don't we all? I had on lace trim leggings and a lace back blouse which I guess are pretty popular right now. Just retro like back when Madonna was singing Cherish the Joy and wore those trendy lace gloves and pearls. Who I love by the way.  there was alot of admiration that day. I accept it humbly with grace.You know a little admiration never hurt anyone.

So I just want to say a few things. When you look in the mirror you should see a Goddess that's full of love, nurture, affection and beauty.You should flirt with your own natural rhythms just for the hell of it. Run your fingers through your hair and pose. Just play around sometimes with your postural femininity.What a woman thinks and feels is so important because it is LITERALLY what she will see and portray throughout her day. You will make choices based off of that mindset as well. As a woman be patient, unconditionally love yourself and just as you show compassion for others make sure not to forget about giving compassion to yourself.

When I feel and think good about myself it can even effect my shopping experience. Ever noticed how you buy more trendy,sexy,form fitting clothes when you feel good? It's true. Try going shopping on a day when you're feeling down then go again on a day when you're feeling happy. I need my own self love more than any other type of love in order to not limit empathy and affection upon myself. I don't know about anyone else.😊 So the next time you look at what you think to be an imperfection you smile at it the way others are. You accept it. Say this is me. This is who I am.Those who truly love you will love you just the way you are.

It's an amazing fact to know I was a part of nurturing the earth by bringing life into this world.  It's no small defeat no matter how long ago it happened. I've held blessings in my womb that grew into human beings. I've earned the tiger strips to prove it. I've been stretched out, loved on, given my time, my tears and my shoulder to cry for others. I've been hurt and grew to become stronger. Alot of times we allow others to dictate and control who we are and that in turn confirms what we think of ourselves. Even from childhood.  It's easy to get lost in the business of tending to others. Then there comes that point in life where you're figuring out your purpose and who you really are. You don't have to always let go but understand the growth and strength gained throughout your trials. You don't have an exact compass for the future. None of us do. Just make sure to be a part of your journey. Be present. Tomorrow is a new day. Know that you are beautiful. You must know that first and foremost that you are beautiful alone. The more full you are with unconditional love, understanding and compassion for yourself the more there will be for everyone else you care about to be fed. That way when you share yourself with the ones you love and care about there's plenty to go around.At my best I try to share the kind of light within me that draws people in and once they are within the glow give them peace and I want to experience the comfort of theirs. I've always preferred an honest approach. The kind that opens up a part of your soul to others.😉

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Grudges. Just let go and Get Over it IF they tried! :)

A common mistake to make is not realizing when others make mistakes it's simply a reflection of what we all are HUMAN. I personally believe it's at the core of a loving relationship to FORGIVE. After many years GROWING a relationship with someone it just makes no sense to me how people can write another human being off for making a mistake and not one that necessarily damages the relationship. It's like you can either give in and allow that person to make you feel guilty for something you didn't do. Plead, beg, or sale your soul to just to prove you're worth forgiving. Being on the receiving end of someone else's GRUDGE can hurt. Sometimes the grudge doesn't seem fair and selfish. Almost fits the saying of "acting like your s*** don't stank." Umm Hmm.😏Not judging people who hold grudges. I'm just saying learn to love, compromise, accept and let go because I guarantee you that person you hold that GRUDGE against has already done the same for you MANY times. Ya'll have a good day out there! Texas style!😉

Insight by Nina Pottinger

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

That is how I'll remember you...

How I remember you...

I claim to be happy
I claim to be free
Yet I cry when I remember you and me
I was given your love before God gave me earth
I felt your love from the inside of the womb
That was then my world when God gave me you
You were outside on earth already pouring love in
I heard the depth of your love with your kind voice in my protected world
AH! My first breath of fresh air
Your first hug so warm and dear
Water gently cleansed my then tiny body
I still remember the brush strokes of the hair
I wish I could be taken there
Into your protective arms I will forever endure

I grew into a little flower so delicate and pure
You took my hand listened to me when I cried
Gave me your shoulder
The care you give it ran over until I was older
You teach right from wrong
I cry and still a shoulder to cry on
I hurt less than you but you still pick me up
Your pain not seen because you cared so much

You become ill and you fight through
As a poisonous tumor now runs through you
So strong you are
I have pain and you care for me still without caring for you
Even though the poison feels like a knife forever grinding inside you
Now you are TOO ill and I CARE FOR YOU
I stroke your head and your feet too
You can barely eat but I give you water and ice
I massage your helpless feet
I leave you alone to fight your defeat
I rest in my bed that night not knowing again we will never meet
I rush over to your side stroke your face and again I cry
There you were too ill to lean on my shoulder
There you were too ill to utter my name
Now you are gone and to God I feel it's a shame
That a beautiful Angel has been taken to Heavens eternal grave
Just today I grieve for you
Tears fill up in my eyes
The thought again of someone you love who dies
As someone else has come into my life it seems they take the place of you
Yet deep down inside I know NO ONE can
As I have always loved YOU from before time, through light and all of eternity
Still the absence of you burdens me....

A poem about one of the loves of my life, my love for her and her fight with Cancer.
Rest in Peace

By Nina Pottinger


Have you ever been inside yourself thinking quietly with torment? I don't mean torment so much as a definition but something that you are dying to share with someone else in hopes of gaining their understanding. I am there in that place right now. Not out of desperation but out of strength! There is a certain strength in me that is as strong as the best wisdom! So I am going to write about it some. Hopefully, you can understand my feelings. Strong is the woman inside where the heart dwells and outside where you see her smile Strong is the woman who hurts inside for some unknown reason not figured out or cured by man who endures unthinkable tasks like no other while still in emotional or physical pain... Strength is when you can feed, care, and love in one moment without any hesitation.. Strength is accomplished when there's no need to tell because I know very well how to nourish your soul without complication... Strong is the woman who without demand can put someone else before her, but wait it's not because she is weak or naive it is because she knows that at that very moment that person needs her more than she needs them! There is a difference... Strong is the woman who will stop at nothing to show her children born from her womb an extravagant moment even when she is muted from society... Mute not in a way of stubbornness, shyness, or scorn but because she only has the energy to embellish her little ones in that exact moment in time... I stand strong I will stop at nothing to prove it! I stand strong and will not let any person or thing subdue it! PERIOD... Understand, I am not a poet yet a voyeur of the mind! So to women let your mind wander when it wants to, be creative when it needs to, and never forget to find your outlet and make sure that you undertake it! If you do everything that makes you a strong woman and do nothing to nurture the strong woman within then your inner spirit fades and is often hard to find! It is sometimes hard being a strong woman but even harder being a WOMAN who was not because this world can be a cold place. It takes tough skin to get through it and know how and when to sail on through troubling times just like relaxing in strong waters and letting the current take you. You will eventually reach calmer waters.By the way I love the ocean, sea and beaches. I know I'm not alone when I say I find peace there.

By Nina Pottinger