Saturday, June 8, 2013

Grudges. Just let go and Get Over it IF they tried! :)

A common mistake to make is not realizing when others make mistakes it's simply a reflection of what we all are HUMAN. I personally believe it's at the core of a loving relationship to FORGIVE. After many years GROWING a relationship with someone it just makes no sense to me how people can write another human being off for making a mistake and not one that necessarily damages the relationship. It's like you can either give in and allow that person to make you feel guilty for something you didn't do. Plead, beg, or sale your soul to just to prove you're worth forgiving. Being on the receiving end of someone else's GRUDGE can hurt. Sometimes the grudge doesn't seem fair and selfish. Almost fits the saying of "acting like your s*** don't stank." Umm Hmm.😏Not judging people who hold grudges. I'm just saying learn to love, compromise, accept and let go because I guarantee you that person you hold that GRUDGE against has already done the same for you MANY times. Ya'll have a good day out there! Texas style!😉

Insight by Nina Pottinger

1 comment:

  1. Did they try? If they truly loved you I know that they did. Love and let go, move forward.
