Friday, January 15, 2010

One question...What is Motherhood to you?

Motherhood is tears shed simply because your child is looking at you smiling and taking your hand saying, "I love you mommy!" I guess those tears come at moments like that because you know that they are being sincere. What child do you know that lies? Motherhood is anticipating them having conversations with you about their day at school and you falling in love with their little minds. Motherhood is seeing them appreciate even the smallest task or thing, such as the rain. "Mommy look it's raining outside," wanting to go play in it, jumping up and down and really feeling it like it is the best thing in the world.

You want to protect them from the harm of this world and people that you know or even think may want to hurt them but you realize that one day they will be out of your grasp and will have to make some of those tough decisions on their own, which they will gain through experience. Fortunately, you may have already confronted the fact that you can not stop the world from revolving and facing them. Sometimes motherhood is self humiliation when they have pointed out something mommy did wrong and you thought they missed it then you had to apologize. Don't you just love the moments when your child/children pulls you to the side and says that they want to talk to you in confidence. That can make you feel really important. As you are. These little babies TRUST their parents unbelievably and they deserve our honesty. Did I already mention how honest they are to us so why not be 100% honest with them and not shield them from the truth. You would rather them hear it from you than the world or self seeking human wisdom of another adult.

Motherhood is a job. Motherhood is when you get so tired but gain the strength to stay up late working on a school projects or waking up extra early because one of them wanted a "special" breakfast. Motherhood is sleepless nights. There is probably not a mother out there who does not remember the strain of your child's first sleeping or feeding schedule. Mothers tease their children about that into adulthood. Motherhood is looking back to old family videos and pictures from when your children were toddlers and crying as you relive their first steps, words, and hard foods. Sometimes motherhood is simply washing five to six loads of clothes. Right? Motherhood is knowing that your children are just going to do the darn est things. It is to be expected. You tolerate more from your children I believe than anything else in the world. I know that I do. You realize that these little people are going to make mistakes. They are always learning. Even though at times they may say or do things that make you think they know it all you know they don't. Children leave such an imprint!

My daughter is 11 years old, very intelligent and outgoing. She can really have a good, long conversation with me that makes complete sense and I find at times that we both enlighten each other. Just the other day she said, "Mommy she needs to find a different topic, she's been talking about her way too much and needs to focus on a different subject." Witty Hugh?!? She was talking about some other girl at school but that advice sounds like something that some adult women could apply to their lives. I know I'm going to use it. She might have even been talking about a rap artist. I can't remember who but I remember what she said.

My son is so loving and caring. Who knew a little guy could be so adoring. Before having a son I just knew they were rough, whining and tough little things that were stubborn most the time. Which he can be (stubborn) but then again so can my daughter. He always supports me with his kind hugs and warm words. My son is an athletic, energetic, and dreamy guy. He reminds me a lot of myself. I am glad I have the best of both worlds! It creates a balance. I never would have thought that my son would have been able to give me so much affection and he can be protective to. Little man.

I believe it is important to lead my children in the way they should go but just as important to do my best and set an example myself as well. Letting a child determine on their own and find their own way can turn out to be a disaster. I figure as a mother that leaving it for them to always lean on their own understanding would make them grow up and be so into their own wisdom and ways that even Gods wisdom would not suffice. They need some type of spiritual foundation. I believe spirituality gives them something to look forward to and a positive mind set. Personally I need God in my life so I am going to plant Him in theirs.

As a mother sometimes it can feel like the regular daily task of doing my duty can debilitate me from my own dreams because I get so tired at times that I do not have the energy to think of anyone else's dreams but theirs. However, I awaken knowing that if mommies light does not shine and be ambitious neither will theirs. Lastly, motherhood is avoiding temptation as best you can. Knowing how to recognize that "gut feeling," when there is negative or harmful energy around you and using it can save you a lifetime of pain. Whoever you let in your life has to respect your motherhood. That I have seen is much easier said than done because at times you can't determine who really respects the way you bring up your children, the lifestyle you live because of your beliefs, and the responsibilities you have chosen to take on as well, Mothers!

Note: I am not a pro at writing, nor is it my occupation but I love to do it and everyone has a right to express themselves when they want to. Good thoughts should be written down, recorded, typed or wrote out on plain paper and these are some of mine. One never knows what a good thought could turn into.

By Nina Pottinger

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Brainstorm a Poem...

So I had an idea to write a poem about FRIENDS. So here it goes.


A friend for life through any strife
A friend to murmur endearment
Simple inner joy is meant
To love or care
A friend may dare
A friend distant and unaware
A friend like a support beam
To hold onto your soul and they won't lean
or break or rot
No imposter shall take their spot
for a true friend is one of the best things we've got...

I created this blog to type in fresh thoughts I have,express myself and be creative. I will dig a bit deeper next time. I would like to see someone else take one word and turn it into something like I've just done.

By Nina Pottinger